Thursday, January 21, 2021

Green Pastures: Ch 4: The Lord's Supper

In our day it seems that the predominate way of thinking when we come to the Lord's supper is we are to remember what Christ has done on the cross. The Lord's Supper is then treated as merely a memorial as and something we do each month. When we think of it like that it is easy to see why some may think it would lose its significance if we did it more frequent. While the Supper is something we are to come to as we remember the death of Christ, it is much more then  merely that. The Lord's Supper is a means of Grace for us. Yes we remember but we are also nourished and strengthened in the faith and was anticipate what is to come. When we see it this way we ought to long for it and cherish it. When we see it this way we do not merely come mourning and remembering, but also thankful and celebratory as we anticipate the promises in Christ that are to come. Tonight we will be considering this in chapter 4. Please read it over and be ready to come to discuss. We will be meeting at the church building at 7pm and will be zooming it if you can not be there in person. 

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