Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Summer Plans and Schedule

Hello Men. For the summer we are going to take a break from meeting every other week and will only be meeting the 1st Thursday  of the Month. During these summer meetings it will be more of a emphasis on fellowship, so we will have dinner at each and will be meeting a one of the men's houses. We will plan on having discussions around a fire. This summer we will be discussing a chapter each time from "The Scriptures Testify About Me," So read ahead of time. Below is the schedule and the place of meeting we will be at. See the coming email each time for directions. 

6/3: Meet at Sam Rodman's House (discuss ch 1)

7/1: Meeting Place TBA (discuss ch 2)

8/5: Meeting Place TBA (discuss ch 3)

9/2: Meeting Place TBA (discuss ch 4)