Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ch 9: God in the hands of Angry Sinners

As we conclude our book, RC recalls the famous sermon by Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." In it, Edwards gives a vivid illustrations of the reality that it is only by God's grace that keeps sinners out of hell. This is an attempt to get people to awaken from their sleep and realize the great severity in God wrath that awaits them if they remain in their sin. A proper understanding of God's holiness will demand that God must punish sin, or he would not be just. If we are to properly understand God's holiness we need to realize his demands are perfection. If we trust in our selves then hell awaits, we need to trust in the only remedy, Jesus Christ, they perfect one who died for our sins. However, people today would rather go on rejecting God and then judge him, all while in reality God is holding them up being patient, which is meant to lead them to repentance. If we reject a God of wrath who judges sinners, then the God we worship is not a Holy God. RC states, '"if we say "My God is a God of love not wrath." But a God of love who has no wrath is no God. He is an idol of our own making as much as if we carved Him out of stone." We need to accept God on his terms and who he is. He adds, "We may dislike giving our attention to God’s wrath and justice, but until we incline ourselves to these aspects of God’s nature, we will never appreciate what has been wrought for us by grace." The only remedy is reconciliation through faith in Christ which is by grace alone. RC discuses the reality in this chapter. Have it read for tomorrow as we conclude the book study.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Ch 8: Be Ye Holy

The command from God to all mankind, who are made in the image of God, is to "Be Holy for I am Holy." This is something that is not a option, but our obligation to our creator by virtue of being creatures. The problem is we can not do this perfectly and Sin.  Yet the bible can still call us as "saints" for us who are in Christ. Since we are now in Christ, we who are saints are to "present ourselves as holy and pleasing, which is our spiritual act of worship." We will still struggle with sin in this life, but now, by having a renewed mind and by the work of the Holy Spirit in  us, we now can seek to grow in godliness and sanctification in this life and bear fruit for God. God promises that we who have been justified will be sanctified and will also be glorified. RC Sproul will discuss this truth and the motivation for the believer to grow in godliness. Read ch. 8 for tomorrow.