Wednesday, December 2, 2020

New Book: Green Pastures CH1


We are starting a new book for T4D called, "Green Pastures." Many churches seek to focus on different means like entertainment, skits, of the latest music to bring people in and to keep people there. However, church is meant to be committed to the very means God has given for his church. In this is a book, we will gain a better understanding to the provisions that God gives us as a church to help us grow and strengthen our Faith. Those means are, the Word, Lord's Supper, Baptism, and Prayer. These we call the ordinary means of grace. They are not ordinary because they are boring, but ordinary in that these are the normal ordained means.  This book will helps us under stand what scripture say about these means as well as what we confess in our confession of faith. We will be meeting this Thursday at 7pm and discussing the introduction and chapter 1. Please have this section read and ready to discuss.  

Here is a video clip to wetting your apatite for what is to come

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