As we read scripture we see that God is jealous for his own glory. Exodus 34:14 states, "For the Lord whose name is jealous, is a jealous God." How are we to understand this? In our sinful humanity we can see jealous as a negative trait, but for God that is not so. There is such a thing as godly jealously. God being God deserves all our worship. He is our creator and that is our obligation. But we have hearts of idol factories and tend to worship other things. God is jealous for our worship, and that is right. We should have no other gods but the the true God, and God wants the worship of the hearts of his people. Spurgeon rightly said, " God's glory is the result of his nature and acts. He is glorious in his character, for there is such a store of everything that is holy, and good, and lovely in God, that he must be glorious. The actions which flow from his character, the deeds which are the outgoings of his inner nature, these are glorious too; and the Lord is very careful that all flesh should see that he is a good, and gracious, and just God; and he is mindful, too, that his great and mighty acts should not give glory to others, but only to himself."
Tonight we will consider this thought for our discussion. Have chapter 12 read and we will finish our book and begin the next one.
Tonight we will consider this thought for our discussion. Have chapter 12 read and we will finish our book and begin the next one.